Today, Tonight, is been a great night, no matter that i did not do want i wanted i did something better. I just stayed by myself with my thoughts and wishes and i realize that what i wanted problably 2 years ago is not even close of what i want right now. And i think that had happended before
Now in my life im fullfilling one of my most internal wishes, im finding out, what is really that i want for my life and that is the greatest thing.
Now Im learning to aprecciate my family, with all of their incompatibilitys an all, i just love them, and i didnt know, how much ill miss them and i know they love me too.
Now i know that the people that no matter what have always stayed with, always will. Someone you just met months ago, but bond with u and u got empaty for each other, can also be the ones that will give you the confort to go on.
Tears of joy are coming down my face because all the emotion that is making me write all of this, but i just feel good, pacefull, living a part of my life that i must go thrue, before i star my real one.
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